mandag 14. november 2011

Musk Oxen at Hjerkinn.

Going to our cabin in October, we spotted a small herd of Musk Oxen not far from the road. We had to stop and get some pictures. In a docile mood they rested peacefully.

A note on the sequel, well...I'm still working on it. As I might have mentioned earlier it the plot didn't develop as intended some adjustments had to be made. Trying to get even more action into the book, but hit a point where it's hard to move on. Got some thinking to do and airing ideas with friends an colleagues helps a lot ;) Thanks everyone!

On that note, here's one of my problems I need help with:

"In order to do something legally, you have to break the law to get the evidence you need to get it done legally". Isn't there a name for this situation? (I think I've come across it at some point, but can't remember anymore...if ever...) If anyone know, please give me a note.

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