mandag 14. november 2011

Musk Oxen at Hjerkinn.

Going to our cabin in October, we spotted a small herd of Musk Oxen not far from the road. We had to stop and get some pictures. In a docile mood they rested peacefully.

A note on the sequel, well...I'm still working on it. As I might have mentioned earlier it the plot didn't develop as intended some adjustments had to be made. Trying to get even more action into the book, but hit a point where it's hard to move on. Got some thinking to do and airing ideas with friends an colleagues helps a lot ;) Thanks everyone!

On that note, here's one of my problems I need help with:

"In order to do something legally, you have to break the law to get the evidence you need to get it done legally". Isn't there a name for this situation? (I think I've come across it at some point, but can't remember anymore...if ever...) If anyone know, please give me a note.

lørdag 6. august 2011

Hjerkinn mil. shooting range.

Just spent two weeks up at our cabin in Dovre. It's not far from Hjerkinn, where some of the action in G.E.N.I. takes place. We had a Geocaching trip up a small mountain called Tverrfjellet. It gives you a spectacular view into the shooting range and the Dovre mountains. Thought I'd share some photos I took with my cell phone. The cloud cover was pretty low unfortunately so you can't really enjoy the full view...(I'll hope for better weather next time...)

But imagine these mountains in the full of winter: White, cold, harsh, windy and unforgiving...

We did get to see a Musk ox, but it was only an iron one...the kids had fun though ;)

We also picked up a passenger, Cool Down Schlumpf from the Geocache Tverrfjelet Villreinsenter that we brought with us on our holiday. We left him in Storebaug TB Hotel.

fredag 3. juni 2011

Author Page on Amazon

Working on my author page on Amazon. You are welcome to visit, add a comment, start a discussion, write a review and whatnot.

Help on my author biography is highly appreciated...Weirdly embarrasing to write about one self...

fredag 1. april 2011

Zane, guess who was my model?

Here is my version of the main character in G.E.N.I. Genetically Enhanced Natural Intelligence. Playing around with Corel Painter 11 I did some drawing and pasting. (Lighting is far from perfect but I tink it's...passable...)

And if anyone would care to make a guess who my model was? Please do so;)

Zane is currently in trouble again..."whadda you now"....Something happens that brings out the pattern in his skin. Giving more clues to his animal genes. I have lot's of ideas, but don't think I'll be able to fit them all in just one book! Some major editing to be done I guess.

Stay tuned for more..interesting... facts to come.

torsdag 10. mars 2011

Kindle, here it comes!

Well, honestly sales aren't going that well. Can't seem to reach an audience on my own... So, I've opted for the new fangled trend of E-books. My book should become available on Kindle Bookstore (Amazon) within days. Affordable and convenient the book will be available for download to Kindle devices and apps for : iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, PC, Mac, Blackberry and Android based devices. Juhuu!

There was also an article about the book on a lokal news web site, you can read it here:

Reviews are still very much welcome ;)

tirsdag 4. januar 2011

Fish out of water....or

Well, I'm somewhat optimistically writing on a sequel.

Still waiting for any answer from my publisher about any leads made in the Frankfurt Book Show 2009... They told me to be patient, these things take time... It's been over a year and being a realist I realised (<---hey, look at that), no deals were made. (Sales reports not showing it anyway.) My suspisions or theory (if you will) is that no one actually did anything with the contacts I provided them with. They can at least tell me what their eventual feed back was. The book sucked and so on...I can deal with that, just want to know.

Since there's a big likelyhood that no one is actually reading this: I'm greatly disappointed...please give me some other feedback than bragging about what a good year this has been for everyone what great success you all had on the 2010 book shows...all generic e-mails nothing personal pertaining to my particular (the three P's) book...disappointed. Just a bit. that my ranting is done with:

A fish on dry land, choking on water.


A drowning fish out of water.


A fish on ground, drowning in water.

or something like that anyway...
Feedback greatly appreciated.