lørdag 6. august 2011

Hjerkinn mil. shooting range.

Just spent two weeks up at our cabin in Dovre. It's not far from Hjerkinn, where some of the action in G.E.N.I. takes place. We had a Geocaching trip up a small mountain called Tverrfjellet. It gives you a spectacular view into the shooting range and the Dovre mountains. Thought I'd share some photos I took with my cell phone. The cloud cover was pretty low unfortunately so you can't really enjoy the full view...(I'll hope for better weather next time...)

But imagine these mountains in the full of winter: White, cold, harsh, windy and unforgiving...

We did get to see a Musk ox, but it was only an iron one...the kids had fun though ;)

We also picked up a passenger, Cool Down Schlumpf from the Geocache Tverrfjelet Villreinsenter that we brought with us on our holiday. We left him in Storebaug TB Hotel.