It's been a month, and some, since the whole worlds biggest book fair took place. I was there, (and I had the blisters to prove it, (healed now though)). The fair grounds were huge...and I mean gigantic. Never seen anything like it before. Walked miles and miles on rolling walk ways in hallways you couldn't even see the end of. The old injuries from my days (way back when) as an athelete gave their just reminder. But I hope it was all worth it. I managed to make some connections and contacts that my publisist is working with. Hopefully it'll all end in some deals but I am a patient woman, and if nothing comes from it...? At least I learned a lot, and met a lot of great people. Nancie and Marc (i think with a 'c' or was it a 'k'? I know I got it wrong signing my book for him, but can't remember which one it was...I think it was supposed to be with a 'c'...I think...) from Strategic Book Marketing. They spent some time helping me, of which I am truly greatful. And then a fellow author, Fred Gamble (and such a gentleman too). Not about to be forgetting him, or his brother, in a while. Still smile when I think about the night they so generously treated me to free oysters and whatnot at the executive lounge. I had a great time, and it really beat spending the night in my own dinky hotel room...alone. And in retrospect...she was really not paying enough attention to her baby...It should never have happened! But, then again she was perhaps a bit unlucky when she slipped... And the invaluable tips about marketing, and business cards and bookmarks I got from Fred, thank you ever so much. We swapped books, and I should mention his book : The Crown of Creation: The Fourth Revelation. I finished it on the flights home from Frankfurt. I really enjoyed it, and I loved the message about loving each other, despite what you do, look like or come from. Because in the end, it really doesn't matter. Packed with fights agains evil demons and what not, I can't wait to read the rest of the trilogy:) And, yes Fred you were made me want to pick up the Bible and check if the references were really true. Mission accomplished I'd say.
But, back to my own book... My publisist is working with several distributors and publishers, so if I am lucky who knows what kind of deal they'll be able to make. It might not happen, but at least I've tried, and it was definately worth it.
In the picture: Michael Estepa: Purged by Darkness. Nicholas D. Power: Paudie's Magical Adventures. Donna Brooks: The Magic Amphora. Fred Gamble: The Crown of Creation, The Fourth Revelation. Lillian Skamsar: G.E.N.I. Genetically Enhanced Natural Intelligence